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Episode 6 : 2000..2009 - Monorails

Financial overview 2005


A lot of time and money was spent on new monorails and new trains.
As a result of that, our income starts to increase. Roughly two million dollar more then the previous year.

We will continue with the replacement of rails and trains.

  • January 23, train from Dinfingway to Saston
  • April 6, new train from Tatfield to Ronwood
  • May 20, new train from Tinston Central to Tatfield
Millennium Z1

Millennium Z1

In June we have a new locomotive available. Capacity is 50 passengers. This can be dangerous in some cases. When you put some coal cars on it and set it for "full load" at a coal mine, then it will be waiting forever...

First Z1 in operation


August 20, the first new Z1 is running between Tindhall and Bufinghill City. It has a few extra passenger cars and a Mail Van.

Open subsidies


There are still some subsidy offers. We will try to get the two passengers services.

  • October 8, new Z1 from Wrunthill City to Tedingville
  • October 24, new Z1 from Bufinghill City to Tedingville (subsidy on Nov. 5)
  • October 28, Bufinghill City connected with Tronbridge (subsidy Dec.4)
New situation Old situation

For the subsidy on the passenger service from Bufinghill City to Tronbridge we made a junction between two, already existing lines. The train from Tindhall to Tronbridge is out of service.

1950..2050: Year by Year

This page shows all Game Years one by one. From 1950, to the last one: 2050.

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PID: 3021 CLT: 0.002 LMD: 2013-Aug-17

Updated 2007 Oct. 09