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Episode 5 : 1990..1999 - Consolidation 2

Financial overview 1997


Almost 2 million dollar more earnings this year. We are building all the time. Sometimes there is even no time to drink a coffee.
This year we have to finish the food supply line and, if possible also connect Paninghall to the transport network.

Orders for the food supply line

Food supply is ready

Begin of May the food supply line is ready and the train is in operation. Because Ledinghattan does not yet accept food, we put the train setting there on "Unload" Now we are sure that all goods are unloaded, if they need it or not.

98 tons of food

First Food train

On July 5 the train arrived at Ledinghattan and the food is now at the station. To earn at least some money we put also a food car on the train from Ledinghattan to Grenhattan Springs. None of the two trains to Ledinghattan does make any money. Even the food transport costs us $10,000 But it will make the people happy.

Fledingville Paper Mill

16 million dollar

August 20. We own now 16 million dollar. What can we do with all that money? The bank does not give any interest, so we have to setup some new transport. Well, there is the Fledingville Paper Mill. They produce paper but there is no printing factory. We go to build this printing factory and we go to transport the printed goods to Dinsoft were we do have a need for printed documentation.

Printing Work near New Pronfingley

Printing Work

September 23 we built a Printing Work near New Pronfingley. We made also a railroad and a bus station. One platform for unloading the paper and one platform for loading the printed goods to be transported to out main office in Dinsoft.

Our first paper train

First Paper Transport

Beginning of December the new track is done and the first train fully loaded with paper leaves the station at the Paper Mill. The first train to the new Printing Works.

Now we have to arrange the transport of printed goods to Dinsoft.

1950..2050: Year by Year

This page shows all Game Years one by one. From 1950, to the last one: 2050.

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PID: 3021 CLT: 0.003 LMD: 2013-Aug-17

Updated 2007 Oct. 09