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Episode 3 : 1970..1979 - Expansion

Financial overview of 1977


Last year our earning were over the $1,000,000
The train income increased with about $250,000 to $1,123,360 The WWW transport has now 15 trains in operation.

Train from Dinsoft Woods to Lendhead Central

We started with a new locomotive for the train from Dinsoft Woods to Lendhead Central, this to improve the service rating (was 30%)

Passengers Service Subsidy Offer

Good subsidy

A subsidy was offered to us. Many times they are very bad, you have to cross mountains etc. this one is very good. It is in our active area and we have already two railroad station ready for this service. We have to build only the railroad tracks and the train.

We got the subsidy

Got the subsidy

We got the subsidy. For each passenger transported from Overingway to Lendhead we will get 50% extra payment.

The Subsidy Train

Here is the new train, as soon as possible it has to be replaced by the new Turbo Diesel.



The transport service rating in Senfingley is very low. to improve this we go to make a railroad to the neighbor village Slunningpool. This rail connection could be finished just before the end of December. The train has to wait till January next year.

1950..2050: Year by Year

This page shows all Game Years one by one. From 1950, to the last one: 2050.

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Selected Game Year = 1978

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PID: 3021 CLT: 0.005 LMD: 2013-Aug-17

Updated 2007 Oct. 09