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Superior Electric Bristol- main plant 1970

70 Years Superior Electric

2008 - Plant-Wide Reunion

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the company, we're planning a plant-wide reunion for all former and current Superior Electric Company employees. No matter where you worked; Manufacturing, Sales, Marketing, Advertising, Engineering, Drafting, Accounting, Switchboard, Quality Control, Shipping/Receiving, Maintenance, Security, Personnel, Motion or Voltage Control, etc etc. We want to see you again ! Doesn't matter if you worked at one of the plants in Bristol, or you were located in a field office, we want you to come. Please help spread the word !!

The Lyceum of Terryville


The facilities committee of Carmel Waldron and Mike Saman have chosen a great location ! It was critical that we have a hall large enough to accomodate everyone who wants to attend. We also wanted to be sure that the price of the buffet was reasonable, so that cost presented no barriers. Again, the objective is that everyone gets together and has the opportunity to share those wonderful memories.

Committee Meeting

Held at the home of Mike and Janet Saman on July 29. We met with the caterer and sampled some of the potential items that we'll choose for the menu. It was all good !! We expect the cost to come in around $18.50 /person, including hall rental and insurance !! Still some details to deal with there. Because of liability issues, the event will be alcohol-free, and no smoking is allowed in the hall.

Next Step

We're now working on the process of handling reservations, collecting the money and having a bank account available to deposit the funds. More on that at our next update.

Mark Your Calendars

Don't let this slip by as it may not be repeated for a few years.

Confirmed Date: Sunday, October 19, 2008
Time: 1-6 PM ( Registration 1-2 PM, Buffet Luncheon at 2 PM )
Location: The Lyceum Banquet Facility, Main St, Rt 6, Terryville CT.

Who Can Attend ?

Because of space limitations, we will be able to accomodate only former/current employees and their spouse/significant other. We are unable to accomodate children.

Download the PDF Info Flyer

Download the PDF Info Flyer

Download the Registration Form

Registration Form (PDF)

We're Ready !!

Details are finalized, bank account set up, and a system to document your reservation is in place. All we need now, is your prompt response with your check made payable to "SECO REUNION".
Please download, print and fill out the Registration Form (PDF) and mail to:

C/O Bob Clark,
135 Anthony Drive,
Bristol CT., 06010-4836.

PRICE: $19.00/PERSON. We are sorry, but we are unable to handle cash unless due an extreme hardship. If you do not have a checking account, please ask a friend to write the check, then simply reimburse them with cash. Please note the price includes hall rental, insurance, all food and beverage. Event is smoke & alcohol free !

Spread the Word

Please make everyone applicable you know aware of this event. We don't want to miss anyone !


Jack Wallace
Chairman, Superior Reunion Committee
866-735-8317 M-F, 8AM-5PM Toll Free !
Please call with any questions or email me at:

Links: Slo-Syn and Superior Electric

PID: 10000 CLT: 0.001 LMD: 2013-Aug-17

Updated 2007 Oct. 09