Some time ago I was surfing on the Internet and I saw an interesting clock with a binary display. It was made in JavaScript.
In one flash I saw it on my screen, made in Delphi and "Stay on Top" facility and a selectable display mode: Binair, Octal, Decimal and Hexadecimal.
Since all conversion routines were already on my computer, the program was quickly ready. Here it is.
The program has a right click popup menu to make the settings and to exit.
With the menu :
The display mode is standard on Binary, but can be changed to any of the other types.
To make it not to difficult, the fields do have a "mouse over" function that shows the time in normal decimal format.
From size 1 (left) to size 7 (right)
In the size 7 only the hours are here shown, the width of the whole clock is 1000 pixels.
November 2003 the program was updated and a Roman Number Clock was added. Also the setup is now saved in an INI file. After a restart, the clock goes to the same mode, size and screen position as when it was stopped.
February 2004 I found some Nixie tube images on the web. Well these were missing in this Digital Clock. So, now they are there.
I made also a new "About screen" This will be used on all Delphi programs.
The program file and the help file can be copied to any convenient place on a Windows computer. No additional files or DLL's are needed.
Updated 2007 Oct. 09