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Episode 7 : 2010..2019 - Consolidation 3

Financial report 2017


This year will be a bit calm. There are not so many new services possible. We can try to improve existing ones.
Maybe it is time to have a holiday in the mountains. We have enough money now to buy our private airplane. When we take other passengers, we might make some money to.

Very high production

Extra Food Train

May 25, an extra food train was put in operation from Tindhall Woods to Carfingley. The factory produces really a lot of food. Only 60% is transported. The existing food train on the same route, earns yearly almost one million dollar. The new train will do hopefully the same.
In July there was another UFO landed, new near Bufinghill City. The UFO was destroyed as usual and the rails repaired.

Our new airport


Sometimes we go on holiday from Dinsoft to Ledinghattan, in the mountains near Grenhattan Springs. We went there always by train. This was already an impossible long trip, but since the monorail is there a few lines where closed and now we can't go anymore. To solve this problem a heli service was opened direct from the new Dinsoft airport to the new heliport in Ledinghattan. We fly with a Guru X2, 515 km/h.

1950..2050: Year by Year

This page shows all Game Years one by one. From 1950, to the last one: 2050.

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PID: 3021 CLT: 0.003 LMD: 2013-Aug-17

Updated 2007 Oct. 09